
Stories, histories, prayers and meditations to guide your journey

Ayurvedic Tips for Summer: Cleanse Your Body and Mind

Ayurvedic Tips for Summer ~ Cleanse Your Body & Mind ~ Summer is here!! Summer (Pitta) season brings the much-needed sunny days after Spring. The days become longer and brighter, and all of nature can become a bit drier just like us humans. According to Ayurveda...

Gratitude Mindfulness Practice

Lift your spirits and soothe your soul with this special Gratitude Mindfulness Practice that includes an Ayurvedic tea, guided meditation, mindful journaling, yoga and more. The power of gratitude is still being documented and discovered, but through the physiology of...

Mindfulness Practice: Connecting to Compassion

This mindfulness practice is designed to help you connect to compassion – for yourself, for others and for the community you serve. Invite a feeling of compassion through meditation, journaling, a compassionate yoga pose, and systematic reset. A Mindfulness Practice...

Yoga Will Change You

Yoga teacher John Schumacher was convinced yoga provides a complete fitness regime with daily asanas and pranayama. Schumacher, at age 52, decided to prove his point. He signed up for physiological testing at a lab in Gaithersburg, Maryland. As he expected, Schumacher...

Change your mind, Change your life

Our mission at Yoga Yoga is to support a happy, healthy and balanced life. At times feeling happy, healthy and balanced can seem impossible! Fortunately there are tools we can choose from to redirect our energy from a stagnant puddle to a flowing river. You can change...

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